Thursday, June 6, 2024

When They Don’t Want It Where You Take It: Take It Where They Want It


By David Ryser

One man’s wilderness is another man’s theme park. (Author Unknown)

 “They don’t want what you have.” The voice of God spoke softly inside of me. There was no hint of disapproval or condemnation…it was simply a statement of fact. And I knew what to do because of an incident that had occurred several years before.

 And it began with one of the most remarkable cases of divine healing I have ever witnessed.

 A young woman was seriously ill…to the point where the Christian lady caring for her became concerned the illness might be life-threatening. This situation was made known to one of my school of ministry students who felt strongly that a group of us should go and minister God’s healing power to the young woman. So, I gathered up my wife and a small number of students, and we made the two-hour trip to visit her.

 Upon our arrival at the house, we were informed by the sick woman’s caretaker that the woman’s illness had taken a turn for the worse. If not for the fact that our small group was on the way, the sick woman would have been taken to the Emergency Room at the local hospital that afternoon. We were invited inside the house and shown to the room where the young woman was confined to her sickbed.

 So, what now? What should we do?  How should we do it? And when? The answers to these questions are of vital importance when ministering the power of God.

 And the answers to these questions typically do not come all at once.  They come one at a time, and we must wait for each one.

 The Bible abounds with examples of this principle. Through study of the scriptures and through experience, I had learned to flow through this progression to arrive at the desired outcome. It’s not complicated: it’s simple…and easy…to do.

 But it requires patience.

 So here we were in this young woman’s room spending time getting to know her. She was happy to see us, and was friendly towards us, but she wasn’t very talkative due to the pain and infirmity of her illness. We already knew what God wanted us to do…He wanted us to minister His healing power to this woman.

 But how?

 Would He select one of the group to minister the healing, or would the whole group be more directly involved? Would we anoint her with oil? Lay on hands? Pray in Jesus’ name?


 We discerned God wanted to use group ministry in this case. I especially enjoy group ministry because no one person can claim credit for performing the healing/miracle. It’s safe.

 So, when?

 The situation in the house was somewhat chaotic with teenage children coming and going. This chaos was disruptive and distracting both in the natural sense and in the spirit. So, our small group.…including the woman’s caretaker…waited. And waited. And waited. Someone whispered to me, “So when are we going to pray?” I whispered back, “Not yet….”


 Steve Gray calls it the “now moment” when the power of God is released in a torrent. We all felt it. The members of the group seized the moment and poured out their hearts in fervent petition and declaration for healing. This lasted for a few minutes, then subsided. We stayed with the young woman for a while to comfort and encourage her. Then we went into the main room of the house for a time of fellowship with our hostess (the young woman’s caretaker).

 Within a few minutes, the formerly sick woman joined us.

 What a difference! No longer lethargic, this woman was animated and talkative. She enthusiastically related how she had been instantly healed during prayer and described in intimate detail her previous symptoms and how she determined they were gone in the moments before she joined us. We rejoiced with her and continued to hang out and enjoy one another’s company.

 The work of God was finished…or was it?

 In the course of our conversation, our hostess shared her frustration with her inability to find a church where she could fit in and participate. This wonderful lover of Jesus was powerfully gifted by God and had sought in vain for a fellowship where she could bless others with what God had given her.

 The words rose up inside of me, and I spoke them without thinking: “They have not wanted what you have where you’ve taken it. Now take it where they want it.”

 Jesus did this very thing. At Gadara. At the synagogue and the temple. Everywhere. When His ministry was rejected, Jesus would not argue or contend with people. He would leave and go somewhere else.


 Because once people reject you and your gifting, you can do no good…you can only do harm. You cannot take a person somewhere they don’t want to go; if you attempt to do so, you will end up harming the one(s) you desire to bless.

 Why not simply take your giftings where people want them?

 So, when I heard, years later, God say, “They don’t want what you have” I knew what I should do. At the end of the church service, I quietly and respectfully left the building.

 And I never returned.

  Responses to this article are welcomed.  You may contact the author at

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