Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Signs & Wonders?: I Wonder....

By David Ryser

What am I missing here?  What do [things like] feathers and gemstones have to do with the fruit that Father is looking for? The only reason I can think of is that after 50 years of the Charismatic renewal we are so bankrupt in spirit that we need the baubles to reassure us that He is really available to us.  (Mary Watkins)

A number of years ago, there was quite a stir within Pentecostal/Charismatic circles caused by a woman whose ministry featured feathers (dove’s feathers or angel’s feathers, according to whomever was relating the story) that would be found on the floor after meetings in which she was ministering.  People were excited about this “supernatural move of God.”  The woman was in much demand as a conference speaker.  This religious scam crashed to earth after a well-known evangelist exposed the fraud behind the manifestation.  It seems this woman would sprinkle feathers on the floor prior to her meetings.  Video evidence supported the evangelist’s claims, and the feathers were analyzed and determined to be goose feathers.

The evangelist who exposed the deception received numerous letters and phone calls (in the days before e-mail) from all over the country.  People were upset.  But not with the woman.  With him.  He had ruined their religious fantasy…and they were furious!

Hell hath no fury like a Christian whose religious delusion has been dashed.

Now I want to be crystal clear about one thing:  I do not have a problem with supernatural manifestations of God’s presence and power.  I do not seek them, but I’m not offended by them.  I have seen God manifest Himself mightily in awesome displays of His authority.  Undeniable miracles and healings.  Prophetic words that went to the core of a person’s life and transformed them radically.  I have been privileged to be used by God to minister all of these things.

And because I know how ministering God’s genuine power can become a snare to me, I don’t have time to worry about the fake stuff.

 That’s why I’m not particularly disturbed by phony (or even by counterfeit) manifestations.  These false things tend to sort themselves out over time.  The fruit is bad.  The fraud is ultimately exposed.  I am far more concerned about our unrighteous response to an authentic move of God where genuine signs and wonders are in evidence.

There are several examples of this principle in scripture.  A couple of them come readily to mind.

During Elijah’s last day on earth, Elisha steadfastly refused to leave his side (2 Kings 2:1-15).  As the time approached for Elijah’s departure, the old prophet asked his young apprentice what he wanted.  Elisha asked for the double portion…the inheritance of the eldest son…of the spirit that rested upon Elijah.  Elijah prophesied that this request would be granted, but only if Elisha saw him as he was leaving.

Easier said than done.

Because just prior to Elijah’s departure, there appeared to them a fiery chariot drawn by horses of fire.  They came from in front of them and passed between the two men.  And as they did, Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind.  Ignoring the fiery chariot and horses, Elisha kept his eyes steadfastly focused on Elijah and saw him as he departed…and received his mentor’s anointing.  Had he allowed himself to be distracted by the spectacular manifestation of the fiery chariot and its horses, he would have lost sight of Elijah.  And let there be no mistake:  The fiery chariot and the horses were sent by God…not by the devil.  So why did God send them?

To test Elisha’s heart.

When Jesus was on the earth, He revealed the Father through His teachings and with various signs and wonders.  These manifestations were genuine…they were from God.  The miracles and healings Jesus performed attracted the attention of Herod who sought to see Him (Luke 23:8a).  But the reason Herod wanted to see Jesus was because he wanted to see Jesus perform some spiritual tricks for him (Luke 23:8b) and not because he was seeking God.  Jesus refused even to speak with him, so Herod mocked Jesus and sent Him back to Pilate for execution.

Herod failed his heart test.

And what about the Samaritan ex-sorcerer, Simon?  (Acts 8:5-24)

When God shows up in a place, and among a people, He reveals Himself…often through miracles, signs, and wonders.  These workings of God serve to reveal who He is.  They reveal His heart.  But they also reveal our hearts.  How do we respond to what God is doing?  Do we receive these things as a love-gift from a beloved Father, or Lover?  Or do we fall in love with the gifts themselves?

My new friend, Mary, shared a vision she received from God on this subject.  The vision…and her comments on it…are worth considering.

I saw a bride dressed in an absolutely gorgeous wedding dress.  She was gorgeous herself too.  She had gems on her dress, in her hair, necklaces and bracelets and rings…all very beautiful, almost impossible to describe the beauty and glory.  I knew that she was passionately loved by the one who had given her all the stuff.
Then I saw that she was looking at all the jewels and gifts upon her and around her and had begun to admire the gifts, herself and to completely forget her lover.  I saw her lover standing off to the side, grieving, not devastated, just sad at the inner heart that had been revealed.
Then I saw the bride turn around so her back was to me.  I saw that her beautiful dress was soiled by the product of her own flesh (if you get my meaning).
Ever since then, I have been very wary of seeking or focusing on manifestations.  I passionately seek the inner miracles that help me to be more open to Him, to surrender more to Him for transformation, to become more like Him.  I know that I need more than anything else to be conformed to His image, to become more like Him, His love, His patience, His compassion, His wisdom.  I do not take my transformation for granted for a minute.  I am too aware of the lack in me.

A sober reminder, don’t you think?

I am grateful for God’s genuine signs and wonders.  But I’m also careful how I respond to them.  I allow the wonders to cause me to be in awe of the One that I love and wonder at His goodness.  And I remind myself that the signs are just that…signs.  Signs are not our destination.  Signs point to our destination…Him.  If we stop at the sign, thinking we have arrived, then of what use is the sign?  If we are duped by our response to the sign into believing that the sign is our goal…and stopping short on our journey into God’s heart…then we might have been better off without the sign to begin with.

So what can we do?

The fact is, we serve a living God.  Because He is living, He is working in the world and in the lives of people.  This includes signs, wonders, and all sorts of supernatural activity.  This is normative Christianity.  It is not without risks…especially if our hearts are bad…but God is willing to take the risk.  He continues to bless, heal, deliver, prosper, comfort, guide, and provide for us.  He loves us…passionately and relentlessly…and without regard to our worthiness, or our possible unfaithfulness.

Therefore, I have come to a decision regarding my response to signs, wonders, and all kinds of supernatural manifestations.  I have resolved to gratefully receive, embrace, experience, and enjoy all of God’s gifts…including signs and wonders…and to stay madly in love with the Giver.

Responses to this article are welcomed.  You may contact the author at

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