Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jail or Church: Can I Think About It?

By David Ryser

When we’ve lost a sense of belonging in God’s kingdom or the feeling of closeness to the King, we may look to religion for answers.  (Andrew Farley in God Without Religion)

I am sitting at my desk, reading a news article about a small community where criminals are given the choice between jail and church.  No kidding.  Nonviolent first-offenders have the option of being released from jail if they go to church every Sunday for a year.  The success of this program rests upon the hope that the prisoners will become “productive citizens” through church attendance.

And the inmates will need to take good notes while in church because they are required to write about the service each week.

So the alternatives are clear:  Jail or church?  Church or jail?  Jail or church?

Hmmmmm….  Tough choice.

Responses to this article are welcomed.  You may contact the author at


  1. Before I go further, allow me to state for the record that I love God and follow Him.
    It does seem to me, though, that there is a tendency in the more popular church cultures to create a "jail", or rather, a bondage to "church". Here I refer to that wishy-washy "get-rich-coz-God-bless" mentality, which somehow excludes the pain that goes together with a life (process?) of sanctification.
    Jail or church? Perhaps for some there will be little difference... same cage with different paint.

  2. Well said. You've put your finger on some things that greatly trouble me as well.

    I have, however, been encouraged recently while visiting a little church full of wonderful people. I can't help but be concerned for them long term (because the religious system is so corrupt and saps the life out of people over time), but they love Jesus and love each other. That's a great place to start.

    Thanks for reading & commenting.
